
Friday 15 August 2014

Amazon review round up

WARNING: SELF PROMO MODE ACTIVATED. If you'd prefer to avoid me selling/begging then best skip this blog entry... But do come back for the others!

So with my little novella in the hands of readers across the globe I thought it might be worthwhile compiling some of the positive feedback I've received from Amazon reviews to, well, pimp it. And in the process hopefully tempt a few more curious readers to give it a shot.

If you're one of those people who were sitting on the fence here's some genuine comments taken direct from Amazon that might change your mind.

"The story is full of action, and graphic sequences, extreme entertainment. 4/5." - doseofbella

"...a pretty interesting read. It's quick into the action, an interesting and different plot line, along with likeable characters." - Anna Johnson

"...this is a proper page turner, with nods to the classics of book and film, this is a must-read for horror fans." - Dunk

"A refreshing blast of horror that marks a fantastic début for the author." - J R Park

"...the deaths are gruesome and the book is action packed recommended." - the reader

"I absolutely loved this! I read it in one sitting." - Steph

So far it's sitting comfortably with a 4 out of 5 stars which I'm incredibly pleased, proud and equally worried about as my next book has a lot to live up to! As if I haven't reminded you enough you can buy it in paperback or Kindle format today!

Finally if you use Goodreads head on over to my author page and introduce yourself, I've only just set the page up so it'd be nice to say hello to some fellow horror fans!

Saturday 2 August 2014

If you like pina coladas

Last night I watched Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy and, ever since, I can't get it out of my head.

James Gunn, best known to horror fans from Slither, absolutely nailed it. Every cast member brought their game face, every effect was top notch, the soundtrack was phenomenal and for all the jaw dropping spectacle it delivered there was genuine heart to it.

While not without it's faults I haven't smiled through a film like that since God only knows when. It's a rare thing to have a Summer tentpole film deliver on its promise.

Guardians Of The Galaxy is a rarity. A film of fun AND substance.

And it comes loaded with Marvel swagger. The confidence is palpable. Go and see it. Encourage big studios to hire visionary talent like Gunn as the end results speak for themselves.

If you put your money where your mouth is we'll get more of this kind of film. More risk taking. More left field thinking.

And if you disagree well I can only say "O-o-h child things are gonna get easier. O-o-h child things 'll get brighter."